Exceptions thrown during expecting data.
ExpectImpl spawns a process in a Spawn object. You then call expect("desired output"); sendLine("desired Input"); to interact with said process
Reads from an IO device (https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/aa365468%28v=vs.85%29.aspx)
Searches all dirs on path for exe if required, or simply calls it if it's a relative or absolute path
Reads from a pty session Returns the string that was read
Sends a string to a pty.
Sets the Pty session to non-blocking mode
Spawns a process in a pty session By convention the first arg in args should be == program
this is good. best to call it with plink.exe so it can talk to unix note that plink asks for the password out of band, so it won't actually work like that. thus specify the password on the command line or better yet, use a private key file e.g. startChild!something("plink.exe", "plink.exe user@server -i key.ppk \"/home/user/terminal-emulator/serverside\"");